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MLS and Realtor Associations

What happens with my MLS and Association memberships when I join Realty Connect?

Do I need to cancel my Association Membership?

Yes, you will need to cancel your membership with the associations. Realty Connect always recommends sending your cancelation notice in writing (email, letter, etc...). 

NOTE: Joining the Associations and MLS is 100% voluntary which means leaving them is also 100% voluntary. From time to time we have agents who receive notices stating they have to prove they are inactive. If you receive one, please reach out to admin@realtyconnect.com letting them know. We will provide you with a template letter to send back, resulting in confirmation of cancellation. 


Do I need to keep paying MLS fees?

No, you're not required to pay MLS fees when you join Realty Connect (RC). Some agents prefer to keep MLS access, however, they would need to do so outside of RC. 

Because RC doesn't sponsor MLS access our agents would need to find a provider that does not require a sponsor for access. 

RC always recommends canceling your MLS with written confirmation via email or letter. 

TIP: There are services like www.MyStateMLS.com that offer MLS access without sponsorship.