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Licensing/CE Questions

Licensing requirements and CE updates

Do I need to be licensed for a certain amount of time to join?

Newly licensed agents as well as seasoned agents are welcomed, however, you must be a fully licensed agent in good standing (current with C.E. requirements) to join Realty Connect and/or receive a referral fee. It is unlawful for any broker to employ or compensate, directly or indirectly, any person for performing licensed activity unless that person is a salesperson/broker {state's utilizing the term "broker" as a salesperson's status} licensed or associate broker to the principal broker. A salesperson may not accept compensation for licensed activity nor pay compensation for licensed activity except through the broker under whom he/she is at the time licensed.



Will you let me know when my CE is due?

Although Realty Connect works hard to keep all of their agents updated, it is the sole responsibility of each agent to keep up with their licensing requirements. If you're unsure of your requirements you can locate them by reaching out to your state specific real estate commission.



Will you transfer my license?

When you join Realty Connect you will receive email instructions on how to transfer your license. These step-by-step instructions will be based on your state as each state license requires a different process. If you have questions about the licensing transfer process you can email admin@realtyconnect.com for more information.



Do I need to continue with my CE in order to be a part of Realty Connect?

Yes! In order to remain active, it is a state requirement that all agents are current on the continued education as well as their state renewal fees. If your CE or renewal fee is not completed in time, your license will be placed as "Involuntarily Inactive" (or equivalent status based on state) by the commission, and will not be able to be "Active" again until the requirements are satisfied. 

If you're unsure on your renewals or CE requirements, please contact your state's real estate commission directly.